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Published on 29 January 2024

UK complicity must end

Until the UK government calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and suspends its arms sales to Israel, it is complicit in the slaughter of innocent civilians taking place every day in Gaza.

On Wednesday 31 January, we published a letter in the Times urging the UK Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary to act now. 

Below is a copy of the letter we had placed in the Times.

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Letter in the Times urging UK government to push for a ceasefire in the middle East Credit: n/a
Letter in the Times urging UK government to push for a ceasefire in the middle East

Gaza crisis - Ask your MP to act

Ask your MP to urge the UK Foreign Secretary uphold international law and protect civilian life

Middle East Crisis Appeal

Thousands have been killed and over 1.9 million displaced after the escalation of violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.