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Harvest Appeal

Harvest of hope

The climate crisis is destroying harvests and threatening food security.  

Powerful storms are washing away crops. Prolonged droughts are withering plants. In many of the places where we work around the world, traditional agricultural practices are becoming increasingly ineffective in the face of extreme weather events and changing climates.  

Even experienced and resilient farmers in Zimbabwe, like Nyarai Zirugo, are finding they urgently need to learn new skills to prevent hunger and malnutrition.  

The hope of farming families is being pushed to the limit. But your church can help farmers living in poverty to push back and become more resilient. 

How will you and your church share hope this Harvest?

Hold a church collection

Your church’s collection will help fund the training farmers urgently need to prevent hunger and malnutrition as extreme weather ravages their crops.

Your support will help to strengthen the hope of families like Nyarai’s and secure their harvests. 

Image credits and information i
Nyarai Zirugo’s family makes a living from a range of activities including field crop, horticulture and livestock farming, wild food collecting and vending. With all these activities, they were struggling because of climate and economic shocks. Credit: David Brazier/Christian Aid
Nyarai looking down at the leaves of a plant
Mock up of the Harvest of Hope placemat

Get your Harvest resources

Holding a church service or collection? Inviting your community to a harvest supper?  

From a ‘Harvest of Hope’ poster and worship resources to a delicious tagine recipe card and activity placemat, find all the resources you’ll need for a successful Harvest. 

Break bread with your MP

Poverty is political. A Harvest supper is a great opportunity to meet with your MP. Send them an invite.
Make a donation

This Harvest, your church can help farmers facing climate chaos to build a brighter, more resilient future.

A man stands in a church smiling at the camera. Behind him is the pipes of an organ
Gifts in Wills

Faith Will

Autumn is a great season for talking about how gifts in Wills are a meaningful way for our faith to live on, both in our community and across the world. We’ve made it easy to talk about gifts in Wills in church.  

How your support gives hope

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Nyarai shows off the variety of fruits and nuts harvest from the entrance of the organic store constructed through the BRACT project. Credit: David Brazier/Christian Aid
Nyarai shows off the variety of fruits and nuts harvest from the entrance of the organic store constructed through the BRACT project.

Nyarai’s determination to provide a secure future for her family led her to take training with Christian Aid’s local partner Bio-Innovation Zimbabwe. 

Through the training, Nyarai learned new climate smart agricultural techniques for her farm and learnt how to sustainably harvest many of the wild plants that grow in the hills and forests surrounding her home. She’s now using some of these to improve her family’s nutrition, including making tea from zumbani and rosella.  

‘We’ve seen our livelihoods, diet and farming methods improve greatly. We are better able to sustain ourselves even when droughts hit.’ - Nyarai  

  • £60

    could fund the training that supports a family to adapt their farming practice and grow a crop that survives extreme weather.

  • £100

    could be the investment that someone living in poverty needs to start a new climate-resilient farming business.

  • £330

    could pay for the garden irrigation kit, that means a family facing malnutrition can cultivate nutritious crops.

Transform lives this Harvest

This Harvest, your church can help farmers facing climate chaos to build a brighter, more resilient future.