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Christian Aid Week

Push back against the inhumanity of poverty. Please give today.

A huge thank you!

From community events and individual challenges, to church services and speaking with your MPs, this Christian Aid Week you've made a real difference. 

Your support will help those pushed to the brink of poverty find the strength and opportunity to push back harder. You'll help them fulfil their hopes and ambitions. 

It’s not too late to donate

Your gift will ensure more people in places like Burundi get the skills and knowledge they need to push back against the inhumanity of poverty.

Image credits and information i
Street Christian Aid Week collectors
Christian Aid Week collectors
Form A

Pay in your offline money

Pay in all the money you raised offline during Christian Aid Week (including from house-to-house collections). 

No need to include online contributions (like JustGiving or e-envelopes) –  we get those details automatically.

Thank you for your amazing efforts to money raise money for Christian Aid Week.

Image credits and information i
Credit: Christian Aid
A Leicestershire church group, going the extra mile for vulnerable communities around the world by litter picking this Christian Aid Week.

Catch up on Christian Aid Week 2024

For 7 days you walked, ran, cycled, danced, prayed, quizzed, and so much more. Your creativity and dedication have been truly inspiring.

We've been celebrating the many wonderful stories we've heard. Though we can't share them all, here’s a snapshot of the incredible things you did during Christian Aid Week 2024…

Image credits and information i
Aline Nibogora was living on the streets of Burundi, pushed to the brink of survival. But Aline pushed back harder and escaped extreme poverty with the support of Christian Aid. Credit: Ndacayisaba Epitace
Aline Nigobora stands in front of her home, She wears a pink top and green skirt and is looking in the camera with a neutral expression

How your support makes a difference

Your support during Christian Ad Week could help families like Aline's build reliable and diverse incomes. Your donations could help bring them food security, better health, safer homes, increased resilience and hope.

Poverty pushed Aline to the brink of survival. But she was determined to push back against the inhumanity of poverty, driven by hope, faith and the love of her children. Aline transformed her life with a little help from Christian Aid.

  • £5

    could buy the savings book that will help someone set up the small business that enables them to escape the inhumanity of poverty.

  • £27

    could buy the lockable safe that protects a community’s savings, hopes and dreams.

  • £100

    could provide ten people with the training that supports their families to set up small businesses, such as selling home-grown vegetables.

Donate and fund lasting change

Help families push back against the inhumanity of poverty. Donate today.

Continue to fundraise, act and pray with us

The impact of poverty to continues to be felt in communities around the world. Help people push back.

Fundraise with us

Take part and fundraise. Together we can beat extreme poverty.

Campaign with us

Demand action. Ask your new MP to act on poverty.

Pray with us

Explore resources to help you and your church hold communities living in poverty in prayer