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Published on 27 August 2024
Written by Adebola Adeeko

At Christian Aid, our commitment to climate justice has always been guided by recognising these intersecting issues and acknowledging the need to address power relations and social norms alongside emerging climate risks.

We recently looked at this critical intersection in our latest research report, ‘Building Climate Resilience Through Transforming Gendered Social Norms.’

The research reveals how traditional gender norms and roles can limit the effectiveness of climate programmes. But it also highlights the transformative potential of gender-inclusive approaches. By challenging these norms and empowering women, we can unlock new pathways to resilience that benefit entire communities.

Why this matters

As the world grapples with the impacts of a changing climate, women and marginalized communities are often the hardest hit. Yet, these same groups hold the keys to resilience and adaptation. Our report dives into the unique challenges they face and the opportunities that arise when gender equality is at the heart of climate action.

Incorporating gender-transformative approaches into climate resilience and adaptation efforts isn’t just about fairness—it’s about effectiveness. Programmes that acknowledge and address gender disparities are more likely to succeed and create lasting change.

The path forward: Gender-transformative programming

While Christian Aid’s climate programmes have made strides in promoting gender equality, our report identifies gaps that hinder true gender transformation. The programmes have been gender-responsive, but they often fail to address the systemic norms and power structures that perpetuate inequality.

The findings of our report are both a challenge and a call to action. As we continue our work, we must remain committed to a vision of climate resilience that is truly inclusive and transformative. This means not only responding to the immediate needs of women and marginalized groups but also addressing the deeper, systemic issues that hold them back.

Explore the summary report and reflect on how these insights can inform your work.

Together, we can create a future where gender equality and climate resilience go hand in hand, ensuring that no one is left behind in the fight against climate change.

Read our summary report