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Published on 22 August 2017

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A huge congratulations to the Baptist Union of Wales churches on raising an astounding £67,077.73 for its 2016 Christian Aid Ghana Appeal, exceeding its original target by £27,077.73.

The focus of the appeal has been on improving maternal health services in the northern parts of the country. While Ghana has enjoyed relative economic success, the north continues to suffer from higher levels of poverty and deprivation, particularly in the area of maternal health.

Christian Aid, along with our partner SEND Ghana, have worked directly with communities to inform, educate and encourage the population on the benefits of the maternal health service that is available and empowers them to demand more from their government.

The result of the work means that more and more mothers are visiting ante-natal clinics months sooner than they used to in the past and are accessing advice, modern medicine and electing to give birth at the clinic in the presence of a trained midwife rather than at home. This means that they receive good support throughout their pregnancy and are able to receive extra help in the event of a problem.

Enormous generosity from Baptists in Wales

The target set for the appeal was £40,000, but Baptists in Wales have demonstrated enormous generosity in exceeding that figure.

The additional money raised will be used to purchase resources for some of the maternal health clinics.

The Reverend Denzil John, Chair of the Church and Social Responsibility Committee said: ‘I am delighted that so many of our churches have responded so positively to this appeal which proves that they are prepared to reach out to those who are less fortunate than ourselves. We give thanks that the lives of many children and mothers will have been saved through this Appeal.’

The Reverend Judith Morris, General Secretary of the BUW added: ‘This was an EU match-funded project and as the target has been reached this has helped to unlock an additional €500,000 for this essential life-saving work in Ghana.’

When receiving the cheque on behalf of Christian Aid, the Revd. Tom T Defis, thanked the Baptist churches for their generous effort, and noted that the money would make such a difference to the mothers and their children in Ghana. He also expressed that the response underlined the BUW and other denominations’ ownership of the work done by Christian Aid.

Huw Thomas, former Head of Christian Aid in Wales, while adding his thanks and Congratulations for this huge effort, referred to a message received from Ernest Okyere, Country Manager for Christian Aid in Ghana, who said: 'We were humbled that the BUW chose to support this project, and delighted to welcome a visit from Wales last year. On behalf of the people of Ghana, please accept my grateful thanks – be assured that this project is helping to save lives in my country.'