Prayer for Sierra Leone
A prayer for those affected by the mudslides in Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted.
God of all comfort we cry out to you,
for and with those affected by the mudslide and flooding in Sierra Leone
Comfort our brothers and sisters in the diaspora
whose hearts are aching and longing for news from home
Comfort all who have missing loved ones
and for those who have had their worst fears realised
Comfort all who have lost their homes
and everything they own in a matter of moments
Comfort all who are despairing of the future
who moved to Freetown to make a better life for themselves
And because comfort alone is not enough
we pray for resources, wisdom and strength
for local and international aid agencies,
pulling together once again to respond to extreme need
God you once used mud to bring healing to a man's eyes
open our eyes and hearts now to respond as we can to this tragedy.
In the name of Jesus we pray