Grounds of hope.
Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name!
Something to think about
I am writing this in the wake of the latest in the series of winter storms to which we are getting more and more accustomed. In a lull in the storm, I went out to collect snowdrops – flowers for the table at our meeting for worship. Snowdrops look so fragile, yet the storm seemed to have affected them very little – they were holding their heads high and ignoring the wind and rain.
During meeting, a member spoke about grounding – how his life had been grounded in early exposure to the Bible and to prayer. He went on to speak of the need to challenge in our spiritual lives – something that is very hard to do if we have no spiritual grounding.
Back to the snowdrops. They hold up their heads because they are firmly planted and have put down roots over years. We need to do the same so that we can live our lives with an all-pervading sense of what God wants of us. We are called to care for each other – our neighbours – and that means caring for our children and grandchildren as we come to terms with the damage we are doing to our earth.
The Lord has provided us with a miraculous earth and with it a wonderful environment. We must do more and more to help keep the earth as a source of joy for future generations.
Today's contribution was originally included in the Christian Aid Ireland lent journey 2020. It is by David Kingston. David is a member of the Religious Society of Friends. He is chair of the Finance and Risk Committee of Christian Aid Ireland. Originally from Co Derry, he has lived most of his life in Dublin.