Provoke one another to love and good deeds.
And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds
Something to think about
I love to worship. Times of worship help us to enter into the holy place, beyond the curtain and into the presence of God.
This passage reminds us that it is through Christ that we can be forgiven and draw near to God. The words in the songs and hymns we sing, often words from scripture, fill us with hope and assurance as we worship.
But the words in verse 24 are a real challenge: ‘let us consider how to stir up one another’. Worshipping God is not an end in itself; it leads us towards action. To encourage and stir each other to act in the name of Christ to help the poor, the destitute, those who are hurt or alone.
'God provides the wind, but man must raise the sails' - St. Augustine.
Something to do
Think about someone who might need a word of encouragement today. Is there a small act of Christlike kindness you can do that means someone will say, ‘today was a good day, wait to you hear what happened…’.
In addition to showing love and good works we need to meet together. We are to worship together and we are also to take action together. Christian Aid campaigns are an easy way to start taking collective action.
It was through a Christian Aid campaign in 2013 that the Holy Spirit called me to take action on climate change.
Taking action alongside other Christian Aid supporters has brought help to those who suffer, and it's opened doors to call for real and effective reductions in emissions that cause climate change.
Today’s contributor is Stephen Trew, a member of Magheralin Parish in Co. Armagh, a climate change activist and blogger on TrewsNews. In 2018 he successfully campaigned for the Church of Ireland to withdraw its investments from fossil fuel companies.
Stephen and his wife Eileen spent eight years as South American Mission Society Mission partners in Paraguay.