There is no greater belonging than to God.
Clap your hands, all you peoples; shout to God with loud songs of joy… For the shields of the earth belong to God; he is highly exalted.
Something to think about
How do you feel about belonging, whether it be to a family, an organisation, a church or even by a group of friends?
As a child, I was fostered, but never adopted into the family, leaving me an individual name, which oftentimes I used to my advantage, and other times I would ‘adopt’ the foster family name in order to try and fit in with my peers. As a result it gave me an interest in the genealogy of my family to find out where I came from.
To the Jews, their heritage is rooted in God; they know from where they've come. Not so the gentiles.
But Jesus changes all of that. As a result of his life, death and resurrection, he has adopted us. No longer fostered, but adopted. No longer fitting in, but belonging. There is no greater belonging than to God and to have Jesus as our heritage.
Something to pray
Loving God, I thank you for your gift of life, given through Jesus and his sacrifice. Help me understand more fully what it means to be adopted by you in order that you may be glorified as others see how my life is transformed by your grace and the experience of your unconditional love for your children.