Opening hearts and doors.
But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge to tell of all your works.
Something to think about
The image of God as our refuge is often found in the Psalms. When the storms of life blow in, it is comforting to know that we can turn to God; our rock, our shelter, our fortress. Most of us in the Global North are lucky enough never to need physical refuge from famine, conflict or natural disaster.
Worldwide, of the 65 million people who have had to flee their homes due to violence or conflict, around 40 million are displaced inside their own country. Internally displaced people don’t have the protection and support that comes with legal refugee status. They are the forgotten refugees.
It doesn’t need to be this way. Christian Aid began as a response to the post-war refugee crisis in 1945, mindful that God calls us to clothe the naked and feed the hungry. We believe that God continues to call us to a radical hospitality.
Can we answer that call? Can we overcome our fear of the stranger and open our hearts and our doors to those in need? Can we be brave enough to speak out when refugees are demonised?
Something to pray
Lord of the journey,
We ask for your protection on all who have fled their homes.
Give them strength on their journeys and grant that they may
find places of compassion at which to rest.
Ease their fear as they throw in their lot with strangers
And keep alive their vision of finding a secure and welcoming home.