Two sides of the coin
Two sides of the coin
Now therefore, O kings, be wise; be warned, O rulers of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, with trembling kiss his feet, or he will be angry, and you will perish in the way; for his wrath is quickly kindled. Happy are all who take refuge in him.
Something to think about
Setting the right tone in motivating school students for exams is no easy task. Teachers must decide how much to emphasise the significance and importance of the exams, while also offering reassurance and support. Those with experience will tell you that already anxious students will hear only the warnings and appeal for hard work, whereas those who are a little too relaxed will heed only the comforts and encouragements!
We continue this somewhat fearsome few days dwelling on the holiness and power of God, in preparation for tomorrow’s blazing gospel reading. Much like those exam students, some of us reading these verses will already be acutely aware of God’s holiness, God’s power, and God’s anger against injustice and evil. Others will be much more comfortable with the God who is a ‘refuge’ for all who turn to him.
Whichever resonates most strongly for you, don’t be afraid to hold up to God in prayer the unfamiliar or less comfortable portrait of the two painted here. There is, of course, no examination in knowing God, but much joy to be found in discovering the character of one who is both fearsomely good, and wonderfully compassionate, whose great power and even anger is for our protection not our harm.
Something to do
As you consider what it means for God to be our refuge, search the newspaper or news website you use for any current stories involving refugees. Use it to pray for all those seeking refuge today. You can also find out more about Christian Aid’s work with refugees in Ukraine.