Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.
Something to think about
Tomorrow (11th June) is the feast of St Barnabas, a Levite from Cyprus who joined the Early Church and made a significant financial donation from the proceeds of selling a field. Barnabas was actually his nickname, and it means ‘son of encouragement’ (Acts 4:36-37). What a great reputation to have! After all, there isn’t one of us who doesn’t need encouragement from time to time.
This sits well with our reading today, in which Paul urges the Thessalonians to keep going with their encouragement and 'building up' of one another.
In the contexts where Christian Aid works, there is a need not only for material help but also for emotional support and encouragement. I’m reminded of the old song which features at the end of the film Pride, and the way it expresses our spiritual and emotional hunger as well as the physical: ‘Hearts starve as well as bodies; Give us bread, but give us roses.’
What can you do to help provide comfort, encouragement and sustenance for the heart as well as the body this week?
Something to do
Why not find something beautiful – a poem, a piece of music, a flower – to share with someone you know to be in need of encouragement? Tell someone they are doing a good job and encourage them to keep going.
Watch this Tiktok video to learn about the emotional and psychological support that communities in Ukraine need right now.
Ukraine Flooding - the need for support