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SABI Learning Review

About this paper: What is SABI, and what does this paper focus on?

SABI is an inclusive, citizen-led, accountable governance programme that is focused on improved service delivery for some of the poorest communities.

It has a national remit, operating in all 16 districts of Sierra Leone, where it supports communities to generate evidence of citizens’ perceptions of services, and to share this evidence widely within communities, with the local government authorities and upwards to the national government.

The aim is to inspire and demand action to resolve issues identified at a local services level and in related terms at national government policy response. This model is very aware of powerful actors and political dynamics in Sierra Leone who hold sway and influence over how health, education, economic development, and environmental/ infrastructural programmes are delivered.

Christian Aid is the lead of the consortium, which includes Restless Development, Social Development Direct, and Humentum. Christian Aid Sierra Leone leads delivery through partnership with local partner agencies - FOCUS 1000, RADA, SEND and SLSAV.

Overall, the programme demonstrated that citizen demand for improved services can result in better education, health care, and social protection when citizens are accompanied by an integrated programme of support.

Learn more about the programme