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Our aims and ambitions, now and always

For 77 years, Christian Aid has provided long-term development support and humanitarian relief worldwide, highlighting suffering, tackling injustice and championing people’s rights.

Below is a breakdown of this year's progress and change evoked by Christian Aid and its collaborative partners around the globe.

Read this year's Annual Review

The year in numbers

  • 2.9m

    Over 2.9 million people were reached directly by Christian Aid.

  • 55%

    of which were women and girls.

  • 17.5m

    Over 17.5 million were reached indirectly.

  • 275

    projects funded across Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean.

  • 245

    partners worked with around the world.

  • 49k

    Over 49,000 campaign actions, including petition signing, individual actions and movement building were made.

  • 42k

    Over 42K people donated to Christian Aid for the first time in 2023.

  • £90.6m

    was raised by Christian Aid in 2022/23.

  • 3.3m

    people had their humanitarian needs met directly or indirectly through our interventions.

Stories of impact from around the globe

How our feet-on-the-ground have made tangible, lasting change in 2022/23.

El Salvador

Championing gender justice

During the Covid pandemic, the Florenzi maquila factory closed operations in El Salvador without previous notice to employees. Over 200 women were left unemployed, with no payment of accrued compensations.

Christian Aid's partners supported employees in a strategic litigation case against their ex-employer. As a result, there have been 100 judicial rulings in favour of former Florenzi employees over the course of 2021 and 2022.

This change is important because for the first time in recent history, maquila workers in El Salvador decided to collectively fight for their labour rights.

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Shrimp processing centre workers Credit: David Millar, 2023
Shrimp processing centre workers
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Credit: Tom Pilston
Naomi Mumo, chair of the Climate Change Advocacy Group in Kyeng’e village, Kitui

Combating the climate crisis

Christian Aid's partner Climate Monitoring Action (CLIMA) helped support 300 rural families, equipping them with the tools for anticipating and adapting to climate change.

They worked with those who are strongly dependent on coffee, cocoa, and honey for their livelihood, and helped to create a sustainable barrier against climate change and poverty for the whole community. 

‘Through this project I have learnt the importance of adapting to climate change as we cannot avoid it.’
Nahomi Romeo, age 14.


Empowerment through technology

The Wi-Included mobile app aimed to increase the inclusion of women, young people, and persons living with disabilities in Nigeria’s electoral process. The app garnered considerable interest, with over 700 downloads before the 2023 elections. On the day of the election, the number of downloads surged to 1,576. 

Voter registration and collection of Permanent Voters Cards (PVC) increased, with overall statistics from INEC indicating that the total PVC collection in Anambra was up to 98.8%, compared to 2019 when the rate was 84.63%.

In Their Lifetime Ethiopia
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Civilians look for survivors under the rubble of collapsed buildings in Turkey on February 7, 2023 Credit: ADEM ALTAN/ AFP via Getty Images
Rubble and destroyed buildings following the earthquake in Turkey

The enormous response to the Turkey/Syria earthquake, less than a year after the Ukraine appeal, shows that the public’s generosity in the face of human need in Ukraine was not a one-off. Thanks to their support, Christian Aid and our partners were able to provide vital supplies and train new staff to respond to local needs... All our work is possible through the funding we receive, most of it from the British public.

- Patrick Watt, Chief Executive Officer of Christian Aid.

Standing Together - Christian Aid's global strategy

Introducing our Global Strategy

Together, we can make this a world in which dignity, equality and justice are available to all.
Help us make 2024 brighter for those facing poverty around the world

To support or programs and partners inciting change all over the globe, please consider making a donation.