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The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is affected by one of the world's most complex and long-standing humanitarian crises. Ongoing violence, compounded by the recent Ebola epidemic, has caused massive displacement of people, particularly in the east of the country.

Christian aid are working with local partners in North Kivu, South Kivu, Maniema and Kasai to respond the urgent humanitarian situation. 

This page provides information about our wider humanitarian response in the DRC. If you would like specific information about our Ebola response, please visit the appeal page or read the press release.

Current situation (June 2019)

  • A new president and government are now in place following the December 2018 elections.
  • High levels of insecurity and violence continue due to activity from armed groups, forcing huge numbers of people from their homes.
  • Delivery of aid is being hampered by poor infrastructure (bad or no roads, irregular flights) and insecurity.
  • An Ebola epidemic hit the DRC in August 2018, adding to an already vulnerable situation in North Kivu. As of 16 June 2019, there were more than 2,000 confirmed cases and 1,440 deaths.


Christian Aid is providing:

Nutritious food for affected families, shelter, protection against gender-base violence, resilience and peace-building work.

  • 13m

    people in need of humanitarian aid

  • 1.7b

    $ required for DRC humanitarian response

  • 84%

    of funding still required for DRC humanitarian response

Our aims

Saving lives and responding to urgent needs by providing food, shelter, other essentials, clean water and sanitation as well as security and protection from gender-based violence.

Our approach

Our humanitarian work targets the most vulnerable internally displaced people, returnees and host families focusing on women and children, to meet their basic needs: food security (food rations, seeds and tools, agricultural training), essential items and shelter (hygiene kits, shelter kits) WASH (construction of water sources, hygiene awareness), protection against and response to gender-based violence.

Key information


Democratic Republic of Congo, Provinces of North and South Kivu, Maniema and Kasai


2019-2021 (and beyond)

Humanitarian Programme Value::

1,615,627 USD

Target population::

Internally displaced people, returnees, host communities

Implementing Partners::


Funded by: :


List Funders, collaborators, sponsors - Particle
Irish Aid

Irish Aid

START Network

START Network

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

United Nations World Food Programme

United Nations World Food Programme

Current response (May 2019)

In North Kivu Christian Aid is: 

  • Distributing food rations to 14,000 internally displaced people in the Kamango/Nobili area, in partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP).
  • Targeting sites for an Ebola response, including WaSH (latrines, water sources, hygiene promotion), psychosocial support and raising community awareness and engagement. We are targeting 40,000 people in South Lubero. This work is funded by Irish Aid. 

In South Kivu / Maniema Christian Aid is:

  • Distributing food rations to 31,785 internally displaced people, returnees and host families in Samba (Maniema) in partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP).
  • Launching a food security project, including the distribution of seeds and tools, and agricultural training. This is to complement the WFP food distributions and build livelihoods and WaSH (construction of water sources, latrines and hygiene promotion) in Samba area (Maniema) targeting 51,068 persons, funded by UN Pooled Fund. 
  • Working with WFP on an addendum to distribute cash to 5,000 persons in Minova (Kalehe, South Kivu) 
  • Distributing non-food kits, including seeds and tools/
  • Providing psychosocial and support to people affected by gender-based violence. This includes sensitisation sessions, enhancing resilience and local conflict resolution and peacebuilding. We are directly targeting 11,195 people. This work is funded by Irish Aid. 

In Kasai Christian Aid is:

  • Distributing USD$1,472,955 to 130,350 people in the Mutena area, in partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP).
  • Preparing further distributions.


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