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What happened

On 21 May 2016, tropical storm Roanu made landfall on the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Eighteen districts were affected, and seven devastated, by heavy rain, strong winds and a severe storm surge rising to 2.7 metres.

  • Some 1.3 million people were directly affected by the cyclone’s impact.
  • More than 100 schools were damaged. 
  • Twenty seven people were killed and more than 200,000 were displaced.
  • Thank you

    We raised more than £1.2m.

What we achieved

Within one week of the disaster, we:  

  • gave 6,606 households cash grants of BDT 4,000 (approximately £39) 
  • provided the same homes with hygiene kits (comprising water storage jars, soap, sanitary clothing, hydration and water purification tablets).

By the end of February 2017, we will have:

  • given 3,978 households cash grants of BDT 12,000 (approximately £125) each
  • provided the 6,606 homes that already received emergency assistance with cash grants of BDT 8,000 (approximately £83) each
  • renovated more than 200 toilets and 100 wells
  • held sessions on how to promote hygiene with 10,584 people.