You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.
Something to think about
In these verses David proclaims the truth we know and celebrate: the Lord in his grace and mercy is able to turn our mourning into dancing!
We are invited not only to live our lives with this expectation; we are invited to play a part in making this true for others. It is not for some to dance and others to mourn. The transformation from mourning to dancing is for all to share in.
Scripture declares in more ways than one that it is God’s desire that we are joyful, worshipful and thankful. God wants this for the sake of our flourishing. It is God that performs the miracle but, as always, God wants to make space for us to join in his work and mission.
How will you play your part?
Something to do
How do we ensure that we are joyful, worshipful and thankful? What opportunities do you have to encourage and help others to be joyful, worshipful and thankful?
- Start with yourself – list 5-10 things you are thankful for or that bring you joy.
- Reflect on your inner circle – family, friends, church group, for example – what and how could you contribute to their lives to improve their wellbeing and help them flourish?
- Consider opportunities to play a greater role in the mission to turn mourning to dancing within the wider community. What could you do through your church, community groups or in partnership with Christian Aid?