The Lord bless you and keep you.
Something to think about
Way back in Genesis, the book of beginnings, God calls Abraham to leave his country and kindred and go to the land he will give him.
His promise to Abraham centres not on the land however, but on the fact that through him and his descendants God wants to bless all the families of the earth.
Jump forward to Moses and the Israelites in the wilderness. Here God gives to Aaron, through Moses, a similar instruction, which is to bless.
What is a blessing? It is to receive something wonderful from God. To know that in God there is security; that he looks on us with loving favour.
It is to know that God is always looking for you, longing for reconciliation and relationship.
Our calling, as Christians, is to be a means by which God blesses his creation.
Something to do
Think about how you can be a blessing to others. What can you do or say that would encourage them to know that God loves them and longs to bless them?
In some churches when the offering is given, the priest receives it at the altar or Lord’s Table and asks God to bless what has been given. Why not develop or extend that idea so that when you next give to someone, for example Christian Aid, you ask God to bless what you give, in order that it will be seen as a blessing from God by whoever receives it?