He will return.
Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up towards heaven?
Something to think about
Nobody likes standing around, especially waiting for public transport or worse, on public transport – we like to sit. This is a fabulous passage, as it shows God’s humour in a mind-blowing revelation. How many times have we been told “don’t just stand there!” The disciples are being told the same thing, as they looked in probable amazement at Jesus’ ascension.
That time has passed and it is now time to wait, in preparation for what God has in store for them next, for when the Holy Spirit comes upon them and their work begins. There is a time for standing, but not too long. There is a time for waiting, in preparation by prayer for the next step. Then the work can begin, not in our own strength, but in power of the Holy Spirit.
This passage is capped with a promise. A promise that as Jesus departed, so he will return. At that time, we will not stand, but bow and kneel in his presence.