Being thankful for the many spiritual fruits.
By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things.
Something to think about
Can you imagine a fruit tree that bears apples, pears, oranges and a host of other fruits from the same one tree? Now that would be amazing. Although there are references to trees like that in heaven, here on earth we have to make do with trees just bearing one type of fruit. However, in the spiritual realm we can be bearers of multiple fruits. And these fruits are attitudes and characteristic traits that are radiated from our lives once the source of these fruits is evident in our lives, and that's the Holy Spirit. When we get the Holy Spirit, we get to bear nine different fruits at the same time. Now that’s a good trade off!
Something to do
Which areas of the fruits of the spirit do you think you are lacking in your life? It's not necessarily a sign that the Holy Spirit is not with you, and you may not exhibit all of the fruits at the same time. However, you are a product of change and development. When you identify your short comings, it allows you to focus your prayers on those areas.