Courage to pray
Courage to pray
For you, O Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, have made this revelation to your servant, saying, “I will build you a house”; therefore your servant has found courage to pray this prayer to you. And now, O Lord God, you are God, and your words are true, and you have promised this good thing to your servant; now therefore may it please you to bless the house of your servant, so that it may continue for ever before you; for you, O Lord God, have spoken, and with your blessing shall the house of your servant be blessed for ever.
Something to think about
Do you find it easy to ask for favours? Some people are good at being direct and clear about what they’re asking for. Others find themselves hedging, apologising, falling over themselves to give the other person an easy way to say no. I find it really depends on who I’m asking: it’s easier to ask my mum for help with childcare than a friend I don’t know so well, because my mum has told me clearly that she loves to spend time her granddaughter!
Today’s reading comes from a prayer of David, in which he acknowledges that his requests are bold! Praying for the blessing of God on his family forever seems presumptuous to say the least. But there is a crucial reason that David can pray with courage: God has just told him that this is exactly what he intends to do.
Our prayers for a just world free from poverty and inequality, sometimes seem too big, too daring, too far-fetched. But like David, we can find the courage to ask God for such great things because we know that this too is God’s intent. Asking for what we know God also wants doesn’t feel nearly so audacious; no hedging or apologising required.
Something to do
Take a look at Christian Aid’s prayer library and choose one prayer for a place or situation to use today. You might also be inspired to write your own bold prayer for peace and justice.
Something to pray
Thank you, great God, that we can approach you with confidence as your children. Give me courage to share with you anything that I want to pray, but in particular to pray for those things that I know are your will: that our world should be filled with justice and righteousness, peace and hope. Amen.