The human Jesus
A sense of the human Jesus
Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to see whether perhaps he would find anything on it. When he came to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. He said to it, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.
Something to think about
In this passage we get a real sense of the human Jesus. Perhaps after a journey you have shared the frustration of trying to find somewhere to eat only to discover that everywhere is closed. Tired and hungry is not a good combination, but it does seem a rather extreme reaction from Jesus given there should have been no expectation to find fruit on the tree. So you have to feel a degree of sympathy with the tree as they later discover it dead. It is in many ways an odd text but leaves no doubt in the power Jesus commands.
Christian Aid works hard in many places throughout the world to address situations of need and transform lives. The support for emergencies such as the Global Hunger Appeal help to provide much needed food and nutrition. We also need the power of prayer and the belief that the work we are doing by those on the ground will indeed bring relief.
Jesus knows human experience and has the power to make change happen: believe he can!
Something to do
Take time to pray for our partners who help communities prepare and reduce the risk of disasters. Visit the East Africa Hunger Crisis Appeal page and make a donation if your circumstances allow.
Something to pray
God of compassion,
though the work of Christian Aid, deliver relief to the people affected by food shortages across the world.
Bring an end to their suffering.
Give them a more certain future.
Encourage them to look forward with hope.
Energise and inspire the workers who are trying to make this happen.
I ask this in the name of Jesus.