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Published on 12 December 2019

As we run up to Christmas we want to say a big thank you to our amazing campaigners. It has been so inspiring to work with Christian Aid supporters and partners in our campaigning endeavors over the last year.

- Diane and Fiona, Scotland's Campaigns Officers.

A particular highlight of course, was the passing of the Scottish Climate Change Bill which has strong climate justice commitments, an improved 2030 emissions reductions target of 75% and a net zero target of 2045! Thanks again to all those who signed campaign cards, emailed and met MSPs and lobbied outside the Scottish Parliament.

Climate change is a huge issue for our global neighbours. Communities who have done the least to cause the climate crisis are now suffering the most from its impacts. Thanks for getting powered up for climate justice by writing and visiting your local HSBC branch to ask them to make the Big Shift to clean energy. 

Although climate change has had a strong focus in 2019, other issues have also been important.

We have been telling the stories of people who have been internally displaced not only by climate change but also by war and insecurity.

Our film partner, Take One Action, hosted powerful and moving documentaries on the conflict situation in Afghanistan and the Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone. This was particularly relevant as, during Christian Aid Week, many of you signed our campaign postcard urging the UK Government to push the IMF to drop the debt in Sierra Leone because of this crisis. Thanks to those who took this action.

In September we were pleased to welcome to Scotland two international activists working on gender justice. Marianne Leite and Memory Kambacha joined a Christian Aid partnership event with Engender in Edinburgh. Thanks to all those who supported this event.

As we close the year and start to think about Christmas shopping, it is also pertinent to remember that Christian Aid took part in two events focusing on how to spend money more sustainably and ethically.

We were delighted to be partners of events facilitated by Eco-Congregation Scotland and the Church of Scotland which focused on issues around a wellbeing economy and ethical investment. 

Looking back it has been a busy year. It looks like next year will be busier yet. In 2020 the UK government will be hosting the COP26 climate change summit, giving it the opportunity to be a champion for climate justice. I invite you to scan our new campaign toolkit to get you in the mood and for those really keen, to think about becoming a Campaign Organiser…but that’s for next year!

Please accept our thanks for all that you have done this year. Have a happy, peaceful and restful Christmas.

Diane and Fiona