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Published on 1 March 2020

March 2020 update

Huge congratulations to Malcolm Crook and all the organisers and participants in the annual Crewe Sponsored Swim. Over 50 swimmers took to the pool on Saturday 7th March to make a splash for Christian Aid, and have raised over £3,000. Thank you to everyone involved!

Crewe sponsored swim

On Saturday 1st February, St Peter’s Church, Ealing held a quiz night to raise money for Christian Aid. They raised a fantastic £335 and had a great night. Well done and thank you!

Well done to Rev’d Sean Swindells from Aberdeen who organised a Christmas Eve 5km Fun Run. Sean is running the London Marathon for Christian Aid later in the year, and the £295 he raised from the fun run will go towards his sponsorship total. Thank you to everyone who joined in the fun and donated to Christian Aid.

John Eckersley has written his memoirs for Christian Aid. His book is called 'Life in all its Fullness' (from John 10:10) and is a celebration of all the good things he has been privileged to enjoy in his life. John's Christian faith and his long commitment to Christian Aid are clear throughout and some of the stories he relates are hilarious. The cost is £5.00 (all for Christian Aid) and can be obtained from Thank you John for your lifelong support of Christian Aid!