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Browse our secondary school resources including assemblies, classroom activities, presentations and games, aimed to help pupils engage with world issues and reflect on their own role as global citizens.


GCSE resources for RE

Download our free and easy to use lesson plans for GCSE RE.

Sixth form resources

Take a look at our sixth form workshops designed to get young people talking about the issues of global poverty with Christian Aid.

Window on the World

This resources introduces pupils to the topic of climate change.

Resources for schools and young people in Wales

Resources for Welsh Baccalaureate KS4 Global Citizenship Challenge and more.

Collective Worship

Resources to support primary and secondary pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Climate Feelings

Resources to support all-ages to explore and understand their feelings around climate change.


We have created a range of games to help children explore complex issues.

Disaster zone game

If a disaster struck your home, what would you try to save? This game will help pupils explore the practical and emotional impacts of a disaster.

Safe Place Ludo

Safe Place Ludo is a board game that explores the difficult journeys made by people fleeing conflict.

The chocolate trade game

Trace the journey of the cocoa bean from tree to chocolate bar.

The paper bag game

A popular and highly interactive game that gives an insight into what life is like for poor people trying to earn a living.

The poverty challenge

A simulation game illustrating how sustainable development training can improve livelihoods.

The trading game

This game helps to show how trade affects the prosperity of a country - both positively and negatively.
Get in touch

If you'd like to order teaching resources, book a speaker or find out more about the Christian Aid schools team, email