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The Core Pledge ensures that the Network is purposeful, whilst the Network itself enables us to support one another through training, support, fellowship and prayer.

This pledge is a recognition of core challenges and opportunities that we as Salt members recognise future fit business leadership require, both internal and external:

  1. In, addressing the core areas of accountability to all people in communities and societies where we serve as businesses. 
  2. While also responding to the challenges of nature and climate in terms of the ecological challenges.  

All challenges are also opportunities, and we recognise that transitioning towards a sustainable  economy is essential for stewardship of both planetary boundaries as well as keeping a check on   rising inequality, and fighting poverty.  

In particular we recognise the following challenges and opportunities; and through considered and timely leadership we pledge to (please click on each are to read further details): 

Ensure the protection of human rights

a. Respecting human rights in the context of UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human rights establishes the specific business duty to Protect, Respect and Remedy all human rights everywhere in the context of business operations

b. Provide Access to Effective Remedy in cases of human rights abuses, may they be modern slavery, to infringing women’s rights, we recognise that businesses have the duty to provide also access to remedy based on the principle of accountability.  

Ensure the protection of the environment

a. The natural environment in terms of biodiversity, biomass and mineral materials provides the resources that make business possible, thus protecting the ecosystem and ensuring restorative and circular use of natural materials rather than their purely extractive properties provides the possibility for long-term business success 

b. The climate provides the atmospheric context in which human activity, biodiversity, oceans and other ecosystems can thrive, and thus working towards mitigating, adapting and compensating the historical emissions that created climate change is critical to a thriving economy   

Ensure equality for all

a. Businesses can both reduce or increase inequalities based on status, descent, gender, disability, ethnicity, race, class or any other characteristic in wider society that may create discrimination or lack of inclusion by working to include everyone in business activities based on resolving any  particular basis of their root cause of inequality.

b. Business responsibility involves supply chain management beyond immediate suppliers to different tiers of supply chains where possible leverage exists in creating better standards, rules and laws that help protect those more vulnerable.

Ensure the provision of good work

a. Work should provide an opportunity for social, financial and spiritual flourishing of all employees and those otherwise marginalised.  As good employers, businesses should provide decent work, freedom of assembly and collective bargaining, and good working conditions. 

b. Business both internally and with their suppliers elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour, eliminate forms of modern slavery, abolish all forms of child labour, and exploitation of any type based on any characteristic that may lead to exploitative practices.

Ensure business works towards a good society

a. Businesses can’t solve all of the challenges or opportunities themselves, they also need to pay taxes, tackle corruption, and improve governance in wider society so that the state in its powers can deliver public services such as education, health and social protection, rule of law as well as environmental, social and governance standards that allow to create a level playing field between businesses.  

b. Businesses, as they organise economic activity carry the risk of corruption, illicit financial flows and tax abuses due to relative secrecy of company operations, and accounting standards that respond only to shareholders rather than wider stakeholders.  Rethinking public reporting, public transparency and non-financial reporting is critical in rebuilding trust with wider society and     specific communities. 

Ensure the creation of good products and services

a. Businesses have a transformative role in society by innovating products, technology, services and business practices that pioneer sustainability of the environment, society and future economy. 

b. Businesses should endeavour to deliver products, services business operations that enhance the livelihood of all stakeholders throughout the supply chain as a key metric of success.

Ensure sustainable partnership

a. Work with other businesses, governments, trade unions, and civil society to foster open dialogue and forge new partnerships that accelerate positive change and help meet challenges ahead. 

b. Businesses ought to work towards a whole system value approach to organisational and operational structure to see their unique place in that marketplace and global infrastructure. 

c. Working with other Salt Network members and Christian Aid to identify and directly address poverty and its causes through resources available to us. 

d. Actively look to build partnerships with local organisations thereby fostering strong community cohesion and active citizenship.